Ready to figure out what your business truly needs to break through to the next level?

You are a business owner for a while now and you’re trying to grow your business, but for some reason you are stuck in freeze mode and you don’t know what to do next.

It feels like you’ve been spinning your wheels, and you don’t know what the right next steps are.

You are struggling with doing it all, managing your team, creating new content constantly, or serving your clients in a way that feels sustainable and running your business is not fun anymore.

You ask yourself a million questions and doubt your own decisions…
Maybe you need to hire a team member? Or perhaps double down on ads? Is everything behind the scenes systemized and documented so you can really scale?

You feel like it’s an existential crisis in your business right now and you would love to talk about your business somewhere safe, where you don’t have to keep up appearances, or hide behind a wall of pretence to get new clients.

You’ve invested in coaching or masterminds, and might have had some success, but you still feel that there is more for you and you don’t seem to crack the ‘code’. You wonder what the secret ingredient is that you don’t seem to master.

You might have lost motivation and direction. Perhaps you are questioning your business model, your offers, your team, and even yourself. You are sick of being frozen in front of your computer, not knowing what to do next.

You just want to know what the right next steps are and you’re ready for some sound advice.

You have been dreaming about a sparring partner you can trust and talk to about your business struggles.

👇 the secret to stability and growth 👇

Did you know that there are eight ‘business pillars’ that need to be in place for a business to be able to scale and grow sustainably?

Most entrepreneurs don’t know that and they keep focusing on marketing and sales only. However, if you don’t have the other pillars in place, you won’t get traction nor create stability.

So, in order for you to get to that next level, you need to know where the gaps are.

let the struggle end here!

How about having someone to talk to about your challenges, from a leadership perspective, without the need to ‘show off’ your success, how would that feel to you?

A safe space, where you can share your doubts, struggles, and be honest and vulnerable about it, in a confidential container, just for you.

If you are looking for true clarity in business, I am here for you. My role as a Certified Director of Operations, OBM and Launch Manager, is to support business owners in translating their vision and ambition into how to actually get there. Especially when they are feeling stuck or can’t seem to break through a revenue ceiling.

Sustainable Strategy Intensives

To support business owners like you in creating stability, sustainable growth and work satisfaction, I’d like to invite you to the Sustainable Strategy Intensive.

It’s a deep dive assessment of the 8 ‘business pillars’ that every business needs in order to sustainably scale.

The Sustainable Strategy Intensive will provide you with absolute clarity, direction, and a clear project plan for the next quarter. A path to move forward in your business with confidence and in alignment with your vision and mission, backed up by strategy.

The Sustainable Strategy Intensive is based on the Strategic Mapping™ process, which I am licensed to offer as a Certified Director of Operations. We will zoom in on your specific business challenges and model, and find the gaps that need to be filled to be able to get to the next level.

Willemijn Maas Director of Operations

The areas we will be covering

  • Your Mission, Business & Personal Vision & Values

  • Culture, Boundaries

  • Financial Stability & Sales

  • Product Development (your offer suite)

  • Marketing & Visibility

  • Operational Excellence

  • Team Growth

  • Customer Journey & Experience

  • Personal & Professional Development

  • Energy Management

What to expect?

After saying yes to the Sustainable Strategy Session, we will both sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement and I will send you a pre-session questionnaire so that we both show up fully prepared.

Over the course of three 90-minute sessions, we clarify your goals and vision, and assess the 8 strategic objectives (‘business pillars’) that will move your business forward in a way that feels achievable and sustainable. 

Based on the opportunities and priorities that will emerge, I will deliver a fully customized and crystal clear annual plan and list the projects and tasks for the next 90 days that you (or your team) can implement!

You will be in awe of how clear you’ll be on the next steps, and how exciting your business will feel again!
Plus, in case we decide to work together long term after the Intensive, this will provide us with a very clear idea of the priorities for me to work on.

Bonus: You will receive a recording of our calls, an overview of the 8 Strategic Objectives, and the annual plan in a Trello Board format and as a written out document.

Investment: €1497 (excl VAT)

“I can’t tell you how happy I am with the Sustainable Strategy Intensive sessions! I went from complete overwhelm and feeling stuck to having a workable plan and lots of excitement to make it happen.”
~ Marijke Hermans - Copywriting and Business Coaching at Vertelpunt

“I've hired Willemijn for a thorough business review and she did an amazing job. Not only did she do a deep dive into my processes and systems, she also looked at my business strategy and marketing. She delivered a thorough report and a clear roadmap and plan forward that I and my team can now execute to bring the business to the next level. I can only recommend Willemijn for any business owner that wants to have an external eye on how to grow their business further.”
~ Monique Blokzyl - Business Coach at HeartPowered Business

“Willemijn helped me to gain clarity about the next important steps while I was trying to integrate two B2C business-branches into one, and start a B2B as well. I was a bit confused with all my possibilities and ideas and I needed a plan, what to do first to grow my business branches together and make it more sustainable. That's why I booked a Sustainable Strategy Intensive. It helped me to recognize how to organize my workload and see the necessary steps ahead. Everything was implemented with my needs in mind, and in a holistic context - looking at much more than just the challenge about my business changes. Thank you very much, Willemijn.”
~ Dunja Petersen - Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor